C.N.R.S. Université de Lorraine
Dictionnaire Électronique de Chrétien de Troyes  
Electronic Dictionary of Chretien de Troyes  
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We would like to thank the following organizations and institutions that have provided either material or financial support for the undertaking of this project: in Canada, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ottawa, and in France, the ATILF laboratory, the University of Lorraine and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

We are also greatly indebted to Stephen Dörr (DEAF, Heidelberg) for his feedback on the letters A and B.

For the images of the Lancelot folios, we note that the documents available on this site came at first to us courtesy of the Princeton Charrette Project, and its authors and contributors; we wish to thank them for their kind permission.