C.N.R.S. Université de Lorraine
Dictionnaire Électronique de Chrétien de Troyes  
Electronic Dictionary of Chretien de Troyes  
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A dictionary in two stages 

The first stage of the DÉCT project is now completed. This first stage (DÉCT1) is limited to the lexical words (qualifying adjectives, adverbs ending in -ment, substantives, and verbs) from MS BnF fr. 794 (Guiot's copy); this manuscript will be referenced using the initial P for this project. This is one of the best manuscripts and the only one to present the complete text for all five romances.

The second stage of the DÉCT (DÉCT2) will be a substantially enriched version following the inclusion of:
- grammatical words (some 553 lemmas, if phrases are included, according to Ollier's lists)
- variants from other manuscripts (lexical variations and variants in word collocations; these variations are too numerous to count at this time) Variants presently available.
- axes of synonymy and antonymy.